Thursday, July 17, 2008
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
crazy fruits
happy moments never forgotten! =D
Sunday, July 6, 2008
After many hours of discussion, we decided to give up on one of the meeting is going on during that day. As we think that not much fans sign had carry on this year & so we shall allow our fans to have a long time to spend with us.
We would change the time of the fans sign or the places(?) I'm not sure about it, the manager didn't inform us about the confirmed details, so i can't blog it out. I will blog the details out asap when the manager had really given me the confirmed details. (:
Alright shall stop here
Saturday, July 5, 2008
fruits @ century mansion
so many birthday going on
if you are wondering why tonight the fruits are missing
they went to celebrate joanna's birthday at century mansion!
(sounds like sec2 literature bk dat mansion)
here are the pics! enjoy!
(please try not to right click n save them, as its very expensive)
playing in the water
they look like they are dancing
but actually they helping each other to cross over
celebration &cake
next time we bring extra clothes,
n jump in together ok! :)
Friday, July 4, 2008
Hellos everybody! We are trying to save this blog to the fullest! :D As we know that our fans are always looking at our blogs trying to ask us to update, but sorry, there are plenty of reasons why we are not blogging.
So now i shall tell you guys all the reasons that are stopping us from blogging!
- We are too busy with signing contracts with many people
- Too many fans are stealing our laptops! So we have to keep on buying new laptop/PC.
- Gifts by our fans are crowding everywhere! So we have difficulties to walk to the com & start blogging!
- Fans are busy calling our manager to meet us! So there's too many fans sign going on & got us busy & can't blog!
See! There's too much things stopping us from blogging! So, you can't blame us our fans! Fans please stop calling our manager for fan sign! New information about the fan sign.
Fans' sign informations!
Please take note that, the fans' sign would be
- Held in fruits town. (The fruits kingdom shopping centre)
- Time would be 12.30-2.00
- Date: 29.July.2007
- Please note that we might be late a little as we will be coming from china for our contract signing.
- We would leave on time as there would be another programs going on after the fans' sign for the fruits family members.
- You need to book seats for the fans' sign, if you want to book the seats, please contact our managers & they would make arrangements for you.
- Please don't buy too much gifts for us, as the gifts you guys send last time had actually flooded our places!:D
End of the informations, for more details, please call our manager!(:
Yes, we created this family called "sister", lemon had actually said some for the previous post. We got this 1234567 is oh so randomly. Hahas. (: Alrights, pictures lemon had actually posted it! Lemon actually wasn't studying at on of the pictures, she is trying to act good only! HAHAHAS!:D Alright, fans' sign information will continue to update! (:
People please stop sending us gifts, i know you guys love us alot, but too much space is really occupied. Thankyou for your cooperation!(:
Miss Amenda strawberry!